
You may create a webhook entry point for a Sift installation. In the following example you can see the definition of two webhooks for a Sift with the input labels one and two:

"webhooks": {
  "one": {
    "inbound": {
      "uri": "{key}/{value}"
  "two": {
    "inbound": {
      "uri": "{param}",
      "jsonPath": "{\"key\": \"last\", \"value\": {\"param\": \"$.uri.param\", \"form\": $.fields }}",
      "response": {
        "payload": {
          "base64": "cG93ZXJlZCB3aXRoIOKdpCBieSBSZWRzaWZ0",
          "mimeType": "text/plain"
  • one is a simple webhook that expects the parameters at the end of the request URI
  • two customises the webhook response on a 200 OK to a text string
  • two also extracts data from an HTTP POST so this webhook could be used to accept data from a web form.

The output of all webhooks are ultimately parsed as a JSON document conforming to the bucketed data JSON schema. The various supported pipelines provide multiple routes to assemble this JSON document. For reference, a complete set of keys for this document can be seen in the example column.

In this document, only key and value are required. Value is canonically a byte array but primitive types or a nested JSON structure will be converted to a String form and encoded as UTF-8 as required.