With the use of the crontab/interval fields inside the when field a node can be triggered at specific points in time.

The accepted values for the crontab field follow the popular Linux CRON expression format. As a shorthand we provide the interval field that expects a number of seconds.

  "implementation": {
    "javascript": "server/node1.js",
    "sandbox": "quay.io/repository/redsift/sandbox-javascript:v6.2.2",
    "when": {
       "crontab": "0 20 * * *"
  "implementation": {
    "javascript": "server/node1.js",
    "sandbox": "quay.io/repository/redsift/sandbox-javascript:v6.2.2",
    "when": {
       "interval": 1000


First run

A "cron node" or else a node with a valid when field, is triggered the first time the DAG is being run and then at the specified interval or point in time.


Cron node with input

When a "cron node" also declares an input, the input will only be selected at the specified frequency and no longer on arrival of data as in a non-cron node.


Cron node without input

A "cron node" without an input is a valid setup and can be used, for example, to process large storage or to fetch data from external services.


Cron node and port

A "cron node" cannot have a stream as an input as it is not selectable. Only stores are allowed.

Running crons manually in the SDK

You can test a "cron" manually in the Redsift SDK by clicking the inputs button on the top left of the sidebar interface.


Run crons manually in SDK

Running crons manually in the SDK

You can test a "cron" manually in the Redsift SDK by clicking the inputs button on the top left of the sidebar interface.


Run crons manually in SDK